Providing compassionate care in the community

Northbrook Group Practice: 0121 746 5000

Important Update

From Monday 15th June all patients attending the practice for a face-to-face appointment with a member of our team will be required to wear a face covering.
(children under 3 exempt as per Government guidelines)

Please note, we will be continuing with our triage first model for GP appointments for the foreseeable future, our GP's are seeing patients face-to-face where it is deemed absolutely clinically necessary.

Our Nursing team are continuing to offer face-to-face procedures such as; dressings, phlebotomy, ECG's, child vaccinations, hormonal injections and cervical screening.

Thank you for your on-going cooperation.

Domestic abuse support

We know that this is a difficult and challenging time for everyone – but particularly so for adults and children living with domestic abuse.

You are not alone!

If you are in need of support, do not hesitate to seek it. For all the contact details and support services you need in the West Midlands, click on the link below:

Domestic abuse support information

Isolation notes

Use this service if you have to stay at home because of coronavirus and you need a note for your employer.

If you have to stay at home but feel well enough to work, ask your employer if you can work from home. If you can work from home, you will not need an isolation note.

You can also use this service for someone else.

Please use the following link:

Coronavirus – Useful links

If you are concerned about the effects coronavirus may have on your health, we have included below, a produced list that may provide you with the advice that you need.

We fully understand that this is a worrying time and our patients have lots of questions but it is putting a phenomenal demand on our phone lines, we like everyone else are being led by the guidance that is released daily. Our reception team are working tirelessly round the clock to answer calls as quickly as possible but they are unable to give condition specific covid-19 advice.

General NHS advice

Pituitary/ adrenal insufficiency

Underlying lung disease

People with Asthma

People with Diabetes

People affected by Stroke

Pregnant women

Children/young people T1 diabetes

People with Heart/circulatory disease

Older people

Young people with anxiety

Adults with anxiety

People with Rheumatoid Arthritis

People with cancer

People with inflammatory bowel disease

People with Parkinson’s disease

People with Multiple Sclerosis

People with liver disease and liver transplant

People with kidney disease including dialysis

People with epilepsy

Birmingham LGBT Domestic Abuse Service


Birmingham LGBT offers an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) service that provides support to LGBT people in Birmingham and the wider areas, who are experiencing abuse from partners, ex-partners and family members. It also supports LGBT people who are experiencing, or are at risk of honour based violence and forced marriage and can be reached on 0121 643 0821.

Website (copy&paste) :

Bereavement Services

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are facing a tragic loss of life, under very difficult circumstances. Being in ‘lockdown’ is tough, but for those who have lost a friend or loved one during this time, it can be even harder.

To help support those who feel isolated and are suffering as a result of a loss, a new bereavement helpline is now available to people in Birmingham and Solihull, five days a week.

If you are in need of support, there is help available. Please call 0121 687 8010.

The opening hours for the telephone support are:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9am-5pm
  • Tuesday, Thursday: 9am-8pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: 12pm-5pm (from 1 June 2020)

What parents need to know about COVID-19

We know there is a lot of uncertainty at the moment, but if you have an unwell child it is vital that you continue to seek medical attention.

We are still open and here to look after our patients.

For more information regarding how COVID-19 can affect a child please follow the link below for lots of useful information including green, amber and red flags.

Copy & paste into your browser: